After a hard day's work, as soothing chilled air oozes out of the airconditioning vents, my toes wriggle free of my socks, arms stretched as my lips give away a silent yawn and my back hits the bed and just then I shut my eyes and I gazed upon my heartfelt desire...
I feel (so deeply) her focused love and tears-provoking passion for God and the things of God. For I can be certain that she would then be able to love me close to how much I would do her.
Realizing how pivotal loving Him is (to her life) definitely births depth in her person. The kind that see things from more than her set of eyes, the kind that knows just how silly I am and still knows how irreplaceable I will forever be, the kind that is focused at play and toil, that kind whose smile always holds more.
The woman who would see sense(however irrationally) in why I can't stand Eba, will manage pounded yam and work at ensuring that I have a better eating habit before I corrupt my unborn children with 'sweetthingsomiasis'.
That gorgeous angel that realizes that I have always fantasized about long hair, starry eyes, a cute frame and lovely fingers but still wears her short hair, normal eyes, bespoke frame and fingers just the way they are.
She knows how far I could go to wear an unreasonably expensive fragrance, that wristwatch...oh! the shades...and get her the most expensive gifts ever and still be my financial custodian, allowing only the expedient!
No wonder she understands that I love to sit beside her while she drives us to church, watch me while I pound her yam for lunch while my parents are visiting and that I eat her 'kokorised' semo with mixed feelings.
That at all times finds it safer to bear it all out to me, have us face the misunderstandings, lessons learnt and makeups...while we consolidate our own story, not just her ideas, her mom's or other advisers.
The kind that after reading all of these (unlike the one who thinks to herself...'He seeks a perfect woman'), smiles and deeply wishes to be all and more but realizes that this may be the 'feared path of perfection', a mortal man's dreams but still knows that even if she isn't half of all of these...she is more,much more than she is!
...with eyes still shut and body totally curled up around my pillow, i can feel my lungs expand considerably within me as i inhale a long burst of chilled air and i turn around and afford myself another deep gaze...
© Kayode Kolade. GeniusMined2013. A RareMusing Works! @kkolade