Thursday, June 27, 2013

Coke or Champagne?


As I walked briskly out of the office, in strides long enough to reinforce how determined I was not to be late for the midweek service in church, those words hit my pinna...

Wetin I wan go do for heaven, na so so coke and fanta dem go dey share for dia. Whereas WE go dey pop champagne for hell every go plenty!

My feet opposed the law of motion as my entire body stood still to give my office security guard a 'you-are-dying-from-verbal-diarrhea' look

His words, however carelessly said, echoed in  my mind.

Musing time...

The worth of your value system is directly proportional to the worth of your 'driving beneficiary' .Your driving beneficiary is buried deep in the core of who you are (not who people think you are).

Whatever it is you are deciding or silent about (whether in a false attempt not to decide-which is invariably a decision also OR in the innocence of not knowing better);whether it seems transient or far reaching; spontaneously or thoughtfully; there is the sure influence of your value system!

Not sure about what your worth is? Carry out an imaginative reconstruction of your decisions.

#PAUSE (A momentary flashback...Just like in them cartoons) *smiles* 

Oh! Ok where is the correlation? Your office security guard? His verbal diarrhea effluent?

Hold up! Ever considered how much of 'verbal decisions' our words are? Whether or not our lips or gumption have enough strength to hold them back.


Make your eyes listen twice and your lips and gumption say these words once...

The power of life and death are in my tongue and my decisions henceforth are a reflection of my priced value system!

Wait a minute! Oh Lord. Did i just get on the wrong bus? I guess i was too engrossed in documenting this. Will i make it early to this meeting?

To be continued...

[ Value Systems Inc Series : Episode 1 - Coke or Champagne?  (Words and Actions) ]
© Kayode Kolade. GeniusMined2013. A RareMusing Works! 


That my love for you wakes me eons before my alarm clock does
That my thirst for you brings my knees to the floor quicker than my needs set my foot into the day
That deep worship of who you are to me vibrates through my core, decibels louder than my voice can in singing of your goodness
That you overcame

That before I am offended, I know I have forgiven
That before I am loved, I am a slave to love others
That to me all things are pure
That, so unequivocally, You overcame  

That every of the word of my mouth is seasoned with life
That it all works together for my good, even beyond my eyes can carry
That no weapon formed against me has an element of togetherness
That to confound the wise, You overcame

That in the midst of confusion, all I see is a fusion of the truths
That the endless truths of your love for me transcend all dimensions of reason
That while I was yet a sinner, I was indeed your saint
On that cross, You overcame

That even when I am drawn off by my own desires
That the spirit within gently nudges me aright
That gradually and then confidently my position in you keeps me sane
Surely, You overcame

That all the glory be due you, for all it seemed I did alone
That none of what is mine, truly is
That you wrote my value system correctly
In all sovereignty you overcame

That even when those lines seem worthless to me
That people still find life and direction in them
That through it all, I am mere clay and you the treasure within
'ExceedAntOvely', you overcame

That I just simply never existed
That no-one, nothing will ever mould me like you do
That I may never comprehend my thirst for more of you
Beyond all doubt and conviction, you overcame

That all conscious and unconscious authority
Every victory,obscure and obvious
Is never mine but wholly and truly yours
For now and for always, you overcame

By the temple-cloth-renting blood of the lamb
And the word of our testimony-boldly witnessed, 'death-defyingly' and rightly divided 
We, with every fibre of our being (however in our earthly,frail frame) have overcome
You, through these several dispensation-reaching feats yet 'InOneWordia' overcame


I hear these subconscious loud whispers in your mind, very silent shouts that drown your present...

                          ‘How do I achieve my many dreams,especially with my present state?’
                                                    ‘I need to secure my future.’
                                                    ‘Lord, I need your direction.’
                                         ‘Why don't I have the job of my dreams?’                                                                                                                      
                                                  The woman of my ribs?’
               ‘That man that would love me silly and yet be very good looking and well groomed?’
                                                    ‘Those things that he has?’
                                               ‘Oh! The things she gets freely?’

But consider...

Do the birds of the sky sow or reap? Do they have brains to be analytical? A mind and heart, to dream and plot or feel like you do? Yet they achieve satisfaction with their daily needs.

Do I need remind you that I created the birds of the air after its kind but the Godhead did you after 'ourself'? That the bird had no particular reference while you have the image and likeness of the Godhead as the reference point?

Have you ever taken time out to see how beautiful the wildflower is? So magnificently beautiful that it makes Solomon normal in all his splendour. A plant flourishing so well in the wild, yet 'twas never seeded of any one's intent.

That without toil nor spin doth the lilies of the field dwarf Solomon’s splendour?                                Yet the lilies (-the grass in the forest, that didn't need my breath to be) are here today and burnt up tomorrow while you who I predestined to be here even before the foundations of the earth was established; you whose everyday is marked in my palm from while you were yet in your mother's womb; and this same you that I lavished with all of myself on the cross expend yourself to toil and spin. How more little and indeed non-existent can your faith be?

Selah! (pause, and think very calmly of these)...

Yeah, not even your basic needs give meaning. Haven't you figured that Life is more than bread and your body, much more than cladding (be it first class or economy). Does worry increase your wisdom or your ability and/or capacity to purpose?

Would you rather seek these things and by that singular action be an idolater? Wouldn't you rather aim at and strive after my way of doing and being right-consistently and as your way of life and...

...And in swearing by Myself, so audible and unwaveringly... 

...all these things shall I add unto you

Dedicated to WumiBee.

© Kayode Kolade. GeniusMined2013. A RareMusing Works! 


Are you a tragedy? Forgive the question but what i term the greatest of tragedies is life lived the same way everyday. Letting your potential remain potential is the greatest tragedy there can ever be. If God can do through you much more than you can imagine, what are you waiting for?
Dream forth your potentials and take a deliberate (however small) step to change that little thing and watch your potential turn kinetic.
Irrespective of how glorious the present seems, tomorrow always had greater shine. Leave behind the shine of yesterday,your tomorrow lies in taking this bold step.

© Kayode Kolade. GeniusMined2013. A RareMusing Works!