Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Are you on a ‘DIE yeT’?

Whether or not we pronounce the word, its use and essence has become crucial to a lot of people. There are all sorts of diet phrases springing up daily – from the common and almost forgotten ‘balanced diet’ to the other trending uses – hair, exam, detox, vegetarian, belief-based and especially not forgetting the diet coke (that one you take when you want to feel like you are reducing your sugar intake). Truth is when we use the word ‘diet’ with another, we more often than not are saying we are laying a focus on the word – usually to enhance the other word or its existence. There is usually one or more of these words, a selection, regulation, restriction, limiting, reduction, focus etc - when a diet is mentioned.

The origin of the word diet reflects ‘a manner of living’ and ‘an idea to LEAD one’s life’.
A diet is conclusively a sort of regimen of consumption of or exposure to a substance, concept, or an idea or the lack of it. KayodeKOLADE.2016

Whether you decide it or not you are on some sort of diet about different areas of your life. Determining a final destination, an outcome or a desired result would help tailor and fine tune your diet course.

Who you are today (spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, career-wise, financially) is as a result of the diet you lived on yesterday. A little conscious sacrifice today will yield great gains tomorrow.

A seed dies to bear a fruit, an egg births a butterfly…ARE YOU READY TO ‘DIe yET’ to birth the you within?