Friday, May 21, 2010


"Time in itself ain't growth, i'ld rather see it as a jury to what 'thoughts, acts and compromises one has been able to carefully concoct to ensure the supersession of landmarks of the earlier moments' no matter how much of celebration those landmarks came in".- Kayode Kolade (2010)

"The Death of Trust is the Birth of all Deaths".-Kainos Ktisis 09.

"Today is the Yesterday of Tomorrow, by Tomorrow it would be impossible to make Yesterday phenomenal.So take Today more important than yesterday, then only would Yesterday cling to Tomorrow". - Kayode Kolade (2009)

"Its an impossible task for the living to close the heart".-Kayode Kolade (2009)

A shattered dream is a product of a "brittle" idea. The "plasticity" of an idea or a perception is that characteristic needed to succeed a dream. STRETCH THAT IDEA OR PERCEPTION...DREAM IT INTO REALITY. Kayode Kolade (2009)

If Choice and Habit were roads.While habit will be one that narrows out, choice will broaden out into two roads. Habit is something one does till it becomes "second nature", but we still got our "first nature"- occupied by creativity. My synergy of both natures births making "a habit of choices" ,that way you walk the two roads. Kayode Kolade (2009)

"Never judge another man by his actions while you judge yourself by your intent.Your intent remains at home with you but your actions find home with the people around you". Kayode Kolade (2009)

What is d true worth of a man's life? A life deeped in love? One embedded in Faith? A life with meaning? or ... For me i choose to be challenge you with THIS worth of my own life - "Measure your life by the people who measure themselves by you" - Kayode Kolade (2009)

Culture is Key-It is the heard unspoken bold statement.You do not need to scream out those instructions just make it "a way of life" live them out-consistently and be the instructions.Kayode Kolade (2009)

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